EARTH DAY BLESSINGS TO ALL! - Elbe Body - Massage Therapy Elbe Body – Massage Therapy


by | April 22nd, 2011


I hope each of you can spend a few moments honoring Our Planet… we as a race owe a huge debt to Her, we should be thankful for EVERYTHING we have, as it all comes from her resources… May future generations learn from our mistakes.   Many Blessings to our Planet and to each and every one of you!!! ♥ In Love & Light, Lesley

Celebrating the beauty of Earth today and everyday…

Earth day is every day… OCEAN DEFENDERS the best thing you can do to help save our earth and OCEAN is to be a responsible CONSUMER.  Make sure that the things you BUY on a daily basis are NOT harming the earth and ocean. Please RECYCLE, REUSE and don’t forget to REDUCE.

You may ask yourself “what do I need to reduce?”  REDUCE… your plastic use, the garbage you create everyday, reduce the amount of BOTTLED water you buy and things that come with unnecessary PLASTIC or paper. Keeping the earth clean means the OCEAN will also be clean… Aloha


Live Life Relaxed

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Hello, Lesley Arleen Koop here. My sister Linda Beth, LB, of Elbe Body – Massage Therapy, asked me to help her out by posting on her web site blog. Being the dutiful eldest sister I am and a helper kind and good, I whole-heartedly agreed. I enjoy research and writing and so far this has proven to be a very interesting journey, not unlike the life I live. As I re-post, I include the URL so you can find more info about the subject or the author. I hope you enjoy. I may even share a few poems here and there as they are my passion. And remember, whatever happens along the way, “It is what it is.” Love Ever Strengthens Love Ever Yields. Live Life Relaxed.

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