Linda E. Moyer, LMT M05285 - Elbe Body - Massage Therapy Elbe Body – Massage Therapy

Linda E. Moyer, LMT M05285

by | August 16th, 2014


Elbe Body Massage Therapy owner, Linda E. Moyer, Licenced Massage Therapist from Austin, Texas, is now certified to practice in Maryland. Her 2nd floor studio, is located in Chestertown, at 106 Spring Ave. #3, and now open for business.

For appointments call 512-944-0456 or visit her website and schedule online. Linda offers a variety of massage therapy services at her Chestertown studio or she can bring her table to you.

Linda developed many loyal clients in her Austin practice and now wishes to share her talents with the good people of Chestertown. Please welcome Linda to Maryland and give her a call to schedule an appointment. You will be glad you did!!!

As Linda always says, you should Live Life Relaxed.

| Category: Massage Therapy |


Hello, Lesley Arleen Koop here. My sister Linda Beth, LB, of Elbe Body – Massage Therapy, asked me to help her out by posting on her web site blog. Being the dutiful eldest sister I am and a helper kind and good, I whole-heartedly agreed. I enjoy research and writing and so far this has proven to be a very interesting journey, not unlike the life I live. As I re-post, I include the URL so you can find more info about the subject or the author. I hope you enjoy. I may even share a few poems here and there as they are my passion. And remember, whatever happens along the way, “It is what it is.” Love Ever Strengthens Love Ever Yields. Live Life Relaxed.

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